Hi all, I know this has been discussed before but wanted some unique insight. Currently participating in NoFap to boost my confidence and testosterone. One thing I believe I’m over-exposed to is the sexualization of social media. I don’t spend a ton of time on it every day, but usually a cumulative hour between Tik Tok, Instagram, and snapchatting cute girls. I find it hard not to act on these things, and find myself following other girls, “sliding into DMs” etc. which has a low success rate and usually just leads to more despair. The only benefit thus far has been extreme self-control (47-day NoFap streak on my first attempt, still haven’t relapsed through the constant exposure). I get enough matches on tinder but never any responses/ can’t close with the ones I do.

All in all, think this is making my mental health deteriorate. Any suggestions on how to be comfortable with my sexual energy while not needing to act on it through social media?

  1. Stop focusing on girls. Go focus on making a bag, finding new hobbies, go workout, focus on yourself. Cause all you got is you at the end of day.

  2. Just act normal, do what you need to survive, find things you enjoy and do them, don’t go after a girl just because she’s attractive, big difference between becoming friends first and being friend zoned, find people who share similar interests, ect…

  3. Look deeper into why you are doing this. I had a friend who was in a relationship with someone he loved and he still was addicted to hitting on women online. It wasn’t about sex for him. He rarely ever cheated. It was about the fun of convincing people to pay attention to him. Eventually he stopped when he realized he wasn’t playing anyone. He was the one losing out by wasting his time. All because he wasn’t secure in himself as a person. He needed the validation.

    Not saying this is you. Just saying that it’s likely not just about having women say no to you sexually, or being addicted to erotic images. Often our insecurities go well beyond male-female relationships and right to the heart of who we are.

  4. I avoid all media , internet, streaming whateva with sexual themes. Keeps my head clear

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