How do you keep your family life and work life separate?

  1. Pretty easy, I don’t use social media (besides being anonymous on Reddit) so when I leave work it stays at work. So they are completely separate.

  2. Talk only work at work, once your finished switch off, put phone on silent don’t talk work at home, vice versa.

    Most of us though live boring lives thus usually work is the topic at home with friends, rather then other thing’s.

  3. I switch off home life when I get to work and switch off work life when I get home

  4. I don’t. Not really. The two are essential in my life so they can, will, and is some cases must intertwine. You just need to recognize when to seperate what so one doesn’t encroach the other and wreck everything.

  5. Communicate your working hours to your colleagues.

    Track how you’re spending your time.
    Reduce the length and frequency of meetings. …
    Create separate personal and professional user accounts on your devices. …
    Find a quiet desk away from home.

  6. My wife doesn’t know that I have a job and the people at work don’t know that I’m married.

  7. It was really hard but I don’t check email whatsoever. If you start replying to emails when you’re off, you’re setting the expectation you’re always available and your bosses, subordinates, etc., will start to think they can ring you up anytime they like and get a response. It really is like going cold turkey. One weekend I remember glancing at my phone while I was out with my wife and it was about something stressful I had to deal with. My wife noticed right way and said, “Is this really something you’re going to try to solve on a Saturday afternoon?” I realized then and there I needed to stop. Not only could I not solve it, it basically killed the weekend for me fretting about some stupid work shit that ended up resolving itself by 9:05 AM Monday.

  8. Keep your coworkers at an arms length because there’s always a conflict of interest at hand

  9. The moment my laptop is closed so is anything work related. Call me a million times I ain’t answering.

    I used to work 7-7 and then keep my phone on/check emails before bed, that shit ruined my mental health and made me lose hair.

    It isn’t worth it, the moment the company need to make cuts you’ll be gone. Don’t kill yourself for any job unless it’s your own business. That basic.

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