Women who’s relationships were uncertain for the first few months/years – did it ever work out and what happened?

  1. It was uncertain because of distance. After a few months I couldn’t do it anymore and broke it off. It pained me beyond any comprehensible level, but trying to maintain that long distance relationship was even more painful as I need proximity.

    Within 24 hours, he told me he was moving in with me so we got back together and within 6 months he was indeed moving in. It’s been almost 4 years and this is the healthiest and most fulfilling relationship I ever had.

  2. Definitely anxious she was going to leave me for the first several months, some of her friends told her to break up with me, she tried to a few times but I was pretty persistent

    It worked out, we’re together still, technically married too

  3. no. we are basically roommates. never fight. just we both met too young. we have seperate lives, seperate friends, seperate bedrooms. don’t ask, don’t tell. he’s rarely home. works a lot. it sort of works out for everyones happiness. my daughters life is here. high school and grew up with her friends. i thought about moving out. looked at properties. why? he’s never home. sort of doing my own thing anyways.

  4. First year me and my bf were on and off, didn’t want the commitment but we were infatuated with each other. So we broke up when it got too serious and then got back together in a open relationship. But a few months later we just realised we were enough for each other, and realised how deeply we were in love. Well a screaming match about tinder turned into very aggressive ‘I love you’s’ and we ended up moving in together very quick. 3 years later happier than ever! We were 20/21 when we were getting together and we both just assumed we wouldn’t work out and that we were too young to be serious, but it’s grown into watching each other grow up and feeling blessed I get to spend so much time with him.

  5. I made a really really stupid decision almost a decade ago now. I broke it off due to my own insecurities as well as jumping to conclusions and devastated the person I think I’ve always been in love with.

    Fast forward 5 years and by random chance he walks back into my life. I took a leap of faith and here we are married, raising a kid, happy, and stable. There’s a lot of context to establish and that would take all day, but it was never black and white. I had a lot of growth that was pivotal to our success and he stuck by me through it all.

  6. I had a super rocky relationship with my first boyfriend. Honestly, it was mostly due to me having a very immature view of how to treat a guy – I thought it would be cute to treat him like dirt and be sarcastic and cold, like he cared more about me than I did him. He ended up joining the military so the distance made us fight even more. We fought constantly because of me and I acted so toxic to him. We even broke up for around a year. However, we could never stay away from each other and once I grew up and matured, we had a great relationship. And now we have been married over 5 years and it’s amazing, we never fight. I tell him that we got all of our fighting out of the way early!

  7. haha this question was meant for me…

    I ended up pregnant from a fling, on the first night we got together. So there was A LOT of uncertainty with us. We were not sure how this would play out, BUT

    We decided to be together and raise our son, who is currently 5 months-old now.

    but my BF is 10 years older than me

    I am 28, he turns 38 this week.

    We have been together a year, and I was pregnant for 9 months of it!

    The age gap is our biggest issue.

    We are like 2 worlds apart, but we manage and he’s a GREAT man, I mean that.

    We have put our differences aside and have learned how to deal with each other.

    He is a great father and partner, and even with are differences, we are happy.

    It definitely worked out for the better and we are raising our son, Kingston!

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