I met a girl 2 years ago on discord. Our vibes really matched and we became really close to the point that we fell in love with each other but scared that it won’t ever work we never came in an official relationship, still thought pf each other as lovers.. long distance are not easy but we can’t leave each other now.. we are too deep in it.. I tried to push her away so that she could be happy with someone else but that didn’t work … now we are in a relationship and it’s been good from last 3 months. I’ve moved to a different country for my studies and she planning to move here too but not sure yet. Idk if it’s going to work as yk it’s different irl than online.. idk if she’s going to love me the same or be happy with me .. and she’s pretty and rich and I’m just a average guy with average looks. I’m just worried how’s it going to work out?

Tl;dr – in love with a girl overseas but don’t know if it’s going to work out untill we meet or once we meet.

  1. My neighbors met online when they were in highschool. She flew overseas and met him and then he moved to be with her. Married, 2 kids, etc.

    YOU are not average to her, and that’s what matters. You’re that one person for her. She loves you, and that’s what’s needed for your relationship to work. You already have the attraction, love and compatibility, that’s what matters. You got this!

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