What extent of being alone makes you feel lonely?

  1. Whenever I do something really cool and that I’m proud of. Like building a computer or finally getting that line of code right. Or getting good news that the family you reported to CYS that the kid is getting moved anything like that. I’m engaged now so it’s not like it happens to me often but when it did wow it sucked

  2. I am a loner by nature but I do feel lonely when I am going though a hard time and I have got no one to turn to for support

  3. I need to spend at least a week alone to start feeling lonely. I just have a lot of stuff to do and not enough time for it so when I’m alone I just catch up with that. For me being totally alone is very rare and I really like these opportunities, but it has limit of course.

  4. When I have too many resources left to think about it. It’s basically the result of not being fully occupied.

  5. For me, when my phone never rings and also when there’s really no one I can tell the little things in my life about. I can easily distract myself and not feel lonely but there’s just some times when I look and there’s no one really seeing if I’m alive or not really brings me down.

  6. Lack of intimacy. I dont want sex, tbh, i just miss having my ears rubbed, or my goatee played with. Small things like that.

  7. I’ve gotten use to the loneliness. It’s one of the first things I’m always expecting. People’s company mean very little to me. It’s nice to have them around, but I won’t depend on them for any kind of comfort.

  8. When you know no matter what you try or anything you never really form a real connection with anybody. I don’t have a stable friend group that I see regularly so I eventually got used to being lonely.

  9. Does not compute. I’ve been living alone for 14 years now. No family, very few friends as I’m mostly unable to function in social places(am certified sperg).

    So no, no such threshold exist. I don’t get lonely.

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