How long can you do without the Internet?

  1. If I have books to read, notebooks to write and draw on, and (a) job(s) of work to do [or people to play rummy, poker or whatever with], a long time, maybe indefinitely (the first few weeks would be the worst, I imagine); without those, the maximum is however long I sleep at a clip, after that, I can practically feel what’s left of my sanity fraying.

  2. Assuming i don’t need it to communicate with family or friends i could go without it forever.

  3. It’s an incredibly attractive distraction, but I was camping for a few days and out of range of cell or internet. The first few hours was tough, but after that it was not a big deal. All in all, I’d probably be happier without it, but it’s very addictive.

  4. Last time I did like month, tho I did not crave it after few days, coming back…..yeah, took some days to read every single webtoon, manga, manwha and well anything that I enjoy.

  5. 🤷🏻‍♂️, never tested it. But probable could go forever of I had an incentive too.

  6. practically indefinitally.

    i have many other ways i can keep myself entertained.

    id also get a lot more things made. but my knowledge of random craft techniques wouldnt grow as fast. and those are very convenient even if you dont do that specific craft. ive retrofitted many techniques to work in different crafts or materials or theyve improved my understanding of how materials work and react.

    a good example is how boats are designed and drawn. its basically a complex version of a blueprint because everything is organically shaped. not circulair curves either. how they draw and measure those curves is extremely intresting to me because im a silversmith and most of my work is also very curvy.

    but yea i could also figure that out through experimentation it just takes longer.

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