Idk how to go one dates with more than one person without feeling guilty or something.

I know I have no obligations to people I just met but it feels weird trying to go out on dates with more than one person.

  1. Depends on your personality. I’m very much the same, I always have my loyalty on one person, be it a talking stage or dating stage, give or take it’s just the way some of us are.

  2. I can’t date many people at the same time. I deliberately match with a selected few (2 or 3) start the conversation and select only 1 to date at a time.

  3. If you’re doing OLD then it’s just a hidden agreement ppl are seeing multiple ppl when u both arent haven’t had the exclusive talk. The reason is because OLD is fast pace and off line dating is at a slower pace.


    As for offline dating, it just depend on the situation. Like if u met this girl at a rave/club and got her information then obviously it’s safe to assume, it’s still free game in the dating world. However, let’s say you known this coworker for a couple of month and u both are romantically interested in each other. At this point, it’s okay to assume u both are exclusively talking to each other but has no title.

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