Hey! I’m aware that this isn’t the usual type of question you probably get here, but I’m European and I need to write (long story, just go with it) about a state and city which have:

\-Legal weed (could also just be medically legal), ethnically diverse, bipolar weather, inhabited by both rich and poor


I have no idea if the states have cities like this so forgive me. I guess our cities here are very different because we sort of have all of that stuff in most cities

  1. I think Oklahoma City and Tulsa both fit your requirements. OKC is a majority-minority city and Tulsa is still pretty diverse and has a high Native American population. Weed is legal in both places and dispensaries numerous

  2. Denver. But it’s hella expensive. You’ll be writing after work, not for work, at least at first.

  3. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

    ✅ Legal weed (most dispensaries of any state.)

    ✅ ethnically diverse (the South overall is more diverse, and integrated than the North)

    ✅ bipolar weather (ice storms, tornadoes, heat waves and earthquakes, and the most thrilling and beautiful thunderstorms you’ll ever encounter.)

    ✅ Inhabited by both rich and poor (oil economy, its very disparate)

  4. San Francisco or Seattle. Don’t go with Oklahoma City or Chicago

  5. If you are looking for a more not obvious answer go for Ann Arbor Mi. Meets all your criteria and then some. Plus it’s Michigan king state of bipolar weather!

  6. Weed is only partly legal (medical and edibles), but Minneapolis/St.Paul definitely applies.

  7. New York City, Boston, Washington DC, Hartford, Norfolk, Denver, Reno, Chicago, Detroit

    That describes a lot of urban areas in the US. Seattle would probably be a great setting but it tends to have a more European/maritime climate that’s more stable than the rest of the US

  8. >Legal weed (could also just be medically legal), ethnically diverse, bipolar weather, inhabited by both rich and poor

    Any city in the Northeast or Pacific Northwest would fit these criteria plus a couple others.

    New York City

    Boston MA

    Seattle WA

    Portland OR

    Portland ME

    Chicago IL

    Detroit MI

    Denver CO

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