What is something about relationships that most men don’t know which ruins how they build and maintain a romantic relationship?

  1. 1. Don’t give up doing things / going places for yourself. A happier you is a happier her. As long as you are being reasonable.

    2. Demand clear, to the point communication. Ask three questions+ for clarity if you have to.

  2. 1)She is not your property.
    2)She doesn’t need you to fight her battles or fix all her problems. If she makes you fight her battles or gets off on you actually physically fighting for her, she’s the problem
    3) visa versa

  3. That some days you will not like her, some days she will be a pain in the ass. On all of those days, you still need to own your own shit and put in an effort to be a well rounded man.

  4. Constantly differing to her decisions and demands will make her repulsed by you. Also being too clingy, needy, emotional, or indecisive. People don’t like hearing this and I’ll likely get attacked, but women need a strong man to love. But to love you she must respect you first.

  5. 5:1 rule.

    Humans remember negative interactions more strongly than positive interactions. This means you cannot make up for a bad social interaction with your wife by doing one nice thing. You have to do at least **five** nice things for every one bad thing, and that’s assuming the one bad thing isn’t so bad that she just can’t get over it.

    This also applies to sex. If she has unsatisfying experiences half the time, she has a bad sex life. She has to have at least 5 good experiences for every bad one, in order to feel like her sex life isn’t terrible.

  6. Love and lust are not the same. Communication is helpful especially to others who are always insecure or worried. Either be a player or a lover not both.

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