I’ve only had sex with 3 guys but all of them, every single one, asked me what their cum tastes like because they never tasted it themselves. Is this a commonly asked question to those you sleep with? They’re all older guys (45+) too.

I do have a bit of a cum fetish and enjoy tasting my partners, so maybe my enthusiasm inspires questions?

I just find it so funny and coincidental that all of them would ask me this. Guessing most women don’t enjoy it?

  1. Usually when I ask it’s reassurance that it was good. You never want to cum in a girl’s mouth and her tell you it tasted awful

    So maybe they’re genuinely curious, but odds are they’re just digging the enthusiasm

  2. No, it’s a weird question. The closest I would ever get is to let a partner know that if it bothered them they didn’t need to have me finish in their mouth.

  3. I’ve never been asked that, but I know most of my partners have tasted their own cum.

  4. I’ve never had a guy ask me. But I dont mind the taste so maybe because they’ve never been worried it was bad. But if they asked I’d say it tastes like semen 🤣 I can’t relate it to anything

  5. I am always curious what my cum tastes like, but everytime I orgasm I lose interest and don’t want to taste it, so I usually always ask

  6. Not a weird question at all and it’s not as one redditor put it “male insecurity” Not all blokes are quivering jellies of insecurity.

    If your partner likes to give a BJ you want it to be pleasurable for her/ him .

    A man can do many things to make his sperm taste better or worse for that matter . And this sub is full of questions asking how to make it taste better.
    It is also full of comments of how some partners do not like the taste .

    So asking the question is making sure he/ she has a pleasurable experience.
    If it doesn’t taste good that can be changed with diet, hydration, some vitamins and cutting down alcohol and smokes. It is just simply being thoughtful of your partner.

    Or if he is curious and wants to find out just taste it for himself . But everyone has different preferences on taste. Nothing wrong with communication with a partner .

  7. I know what it tastes like, and the taste changes from time to time. If the guy is like me, then it’s not curiosity, but maybe a kind of enquiry into whether you liked it. Or it could be a genuine question if they’ve never actually tried it (but I would say that is unlikely).

  8. In my experience it doesn’t matter if your cum tastes like thick, sticky warm water, or barely any has any taste at all, or is little salty, or slightly sweet, or anything not considered horrible:

    1/9 will tell you not to cum in their mouth, ever.

    2/9 will immediately remove your penis from their mouth at the first jerk or spurt of your orgasm, and quietly or dramatically attempt to remove any and all semen from their mouth as completely as possible.

    —-1/3 cum haters, dodgers, ruined orgasm providers. but at least they perform oral—-

    2/3 will let you cum in their mouth, continue, providing pleasure, and see you through to a fantastic orgasm.

    1/3 will calmly spit, wipe, or let it fall out

    1/3 will swallow to please their partner, maybe not every time, but at least sometimes.

    —-these 2/3 are great at what they do—

    1/5 love swallowing, for whatever reason, to please, because it turns them on, they just enjoy it, and will take it whenever the opportunity arises.

    —- 1/5 absolute champions—-

    My cum has little or no taste, at least for me. Maybe it tastes a little different to other people.My volume is usually 3ml-4ml, so no massive huge extreme amount. Some partners just despise semen, they absolutely hate the thought of it, the thought of sperm, and the thought that it comes out of a penis… the actual characteristics of your semen can’t make a difference to them. For them, it’s horrible no matter what.

    Numbers aren’t exact, but are relatively close estimates.

    I’ve had one night stands that never performed oral, I’ve had multiple-time partners who never got around to performing oral. Never had someone outright refuse to do oral at all, like “oh no! i don’t do that, not ever!” but I do know such partners exist.

  9. I don’t like the taste at all. Hubby trained me in loosing my gag reflex and now when they come they do it straight into my throat. I adore it.

  10. I’ve never thought of ejaculate as being something that people thought tasted good. I’ve never enjoyed having it in my mouth and I have to sort of turn off my taste buds (mentally) to keep it in there until it’s appropriate to get it out.

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