When I’m alone I really enjoy it and I love sexting, but in person I overthink and hold myself back a lot. I guess I’m worried something will turn him off or I’ll make an embarrassing mess

  1. So I’m a huge squirter, but it definitely takes me being comfortable with someone to let go that much. If it helps, with every single man that I’ve squirted in front of, I’ve only heard rave reviews. Most men actually LOVE it. The guy I’m with atm will cum as soon as I’ve squirted it turns him on so much.

  2. I had to have a talk with my husband. I said it happens when I’m alone, would you want it to happen when we are together? He said hell yes. That was a big one for me – knowing he’d be into it. The second major hurdle was being okay with the mess. I prepared him for how much it might be and then we bought a waterproof blanket to protect the sheets. The freedom of knowing how
    much he wanted it and how I wouldn’t spend the whole night doing laundry has given me the freedom to let it happen!

  3. Mention it beforehand! Open communication is important anyways, so if you’re wondering what his reaction will be, ask. It will make the action so much better.

  4. Most men would love it. I know I do. I’d say ask him and see what he says. Then do it and see his reaction.

  5. Most guys will love it! Usually if it’s the first time I’m having sex with a guy I’ll just ask mid sex “is it alright if I squirt” and I’ve never had someone say no 🤣
    Just ask them if they mind! If they don’t seem too interested I won’t do it but most guys will light up like a kid in a candy store. Nothing to be embarrassed about!!

  6. Most of us (guys) love it! If you’re with someone new and unsure just tell them first that you squirt during orgasm, then you can relax and enjoy without holding back. Nothing worse than holding back an orgasm due to insecurity, sex should be enjoyed fully and completely.

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