I use to be so happy before middle school, never cared about how I looked, about girls, never worried much about any of it. Started ever since 6th grade. Remember having my first crush, she found out I liked her and said that I was the ugliest guy she ever saw. Liked another girl in 7th grade, got called ugly. 8th grade, got called ugly as hell by another. Freshmen year got ghosted by all girls. Sophomore year got absolutely zero female attention. Now I’m here entering my junior year of high school, getting unadded by every fucking girl I show my face too on snapchat. I’m just so fucking ugly, my face shape is round and my dark circles make me look like a fucking zombie. Should I honestly consider suicide at this point? I’m never going to find love. Got called ugly my whole life, even all my friends call me ugly. I so scared to even make face contact with anyone I see, I try to hide my face because I’m so fucking ugly.

  1. I mean, Pete Davidson is with Kim Kardash(????), anything is possible (: just work on your jokes + make the girls at school laugh, girls love to laugh – if you can make her laugh and are cool to be around she’ll actually like being around you, alot of girls will (: hope this helps!!

    Don’t beat yourself up, just learn to laugh at yourself too, nobody’s perfect (: just find ways to accentuate things that are your favorite about yourself (:

  2. Bro relax
    Not of course you shouldn’t commit suicide you takeing it way to far
    Listen there is no ugly guy
    I myself was not that popular with girls when I was younger fixed myself up and now I get pretty god results
    But let me start of by saying happiness does not come for getting girls and looking good happiness is a feeling that can’t be “won” like that you will get a good does of happiness the first time you experience girls wanting you but in all it’s just useles sex I would recommend that you find happiness in other stuff then sex girls money cars drugs ect you can get all that and still feel like shit

    Okay so if you wanna improve you looks there are many things you can do but the most important thing is your personality if you are shy and nervous it’s the first thing that puts girls off be yourself be confident and just chill don’t stress anything life is shit then we die adopt that nonchalant way of thinking girls love it

    Now even if you face is what you call “ugly”
    There are other things you can improve to feel good about yourself
    Start hitting the gym
    Get some good clothes that does not mean expensive but a good fit for you get help form friends if you don’t know what to get
    Get a good haircut don’t go to those 20$ hairdresser go to at good one and spend the extra dollars
    Get some hobbies that makes you happy
    Try to go out with people as much as possible even with those people you don’t think you fit into
    Go to the bars talk to girls do all that even if you fail you skills will improve
    But remember it’s not all looks I have friends that look like shit and pull a lot of chicks and friends that look pretty decent but don’t get any play it’s all about how confident you are

  3. Make a conscious effort to increase your sexual market value. I wish young guys knew this, but it seems way too many find this out way too late in life.

  4. You are so young, thinking about suicide because you can’t get a girl in high school is crazy. You have so much life ahead of you!

    Most people don’t meet life partners until late 20’s early 30’s. Who cares if you haven’t had alot of girls by then. Work on your inner beauty, it will always shine through. Find interesting hobbies, be someone people enjoy being around.

    Also, you can get products to help dark circles:)

    Men’s faces mature much more slowly than women’s, you will grow into yourself. I can guarantee you are not ugly, school is a rough time for alot of people. Just try and be happy with who you are, be patient and you will find love.

  5. It’s about how you carry yourself. I agree with comments about being able to make girls laugh. I know a lot of people who are not the best good-looking ones but they have hot girlfriends/boyfriends just because of their sense of humor. If you’re happy, everything else follows. You just have to invest in yourself.

  6. Is that it? Your face shape, which is fine, and dark circles? Use under-eye concealer.

  7. If you’re not getting any response from girls at all, you either haven’t been trying very long, or there’s something besides your looks that is unappealing.

    There are some crazy people who find love.

    Also, why is someone else loving you the only thing that can make you happy?

    Concentrate on your career and your academic goals. Make physical/sporting goals and smash them. Give your life purpose and focus.

    Volunteer. Help others. Think about other people.

    Stay off meetup apps because they’re a first-impression necessary kind of thing. Focus on friendships. Be interesting, intelligent, funny.

    People who think about themselves all the time are a drag to be around. Don’t be that guy.

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