What made someone the worst friend you’ve ever had?

  1. A girl I knew since we were little kids. I never was a close friend of her, but she was the meanest backstabbing hunan being I have ever met in my entire life. Once we were riding our bikes to school together and she ordered me to stay far enough away fo that I would not hear what she tells her “best friend”. I told her that I prefer riding alone than doing that. Later that day her mother called my mom and told her, that her daughter came back crying because I had been so mean and left them alone even though they begged me to go slower. That was the moment I cut all contact with her.

    She also terrorized a boy we had known since we were 3 and made school life hell for him just because he was kind of a nerd.

    When we were at college (different colleges) she slept with her “best friends” boyfriend until he split up with the best friend. The mean girl and the guy then had a relationship for a year without telling the best friend. When she found out the best friend cut all ties and never talked to her again.

    There are so many stories I could tell about her…

  2. A guy who confessed his attraction to me after 10 years of friendship & after I turned him down, he messaged my husband on FB, asked to meet for a beer, and proceeded to lie about a sordid affair we had for 3 years.

  3. This is a loooong story but I’ll keep it short

    Had a friend I knew for over 10 years constantly treat me like shit and use me for things, it never fully hit me until I helped her move

    I borrowed a car, drove back and forth from 9 AM to 10 PM at night moving stuff, paid for all the gas, for lunch, everything, once she was settled in to her new place she ghosted me

    She ignored my texts, calls, Facebook DMs, then one day on Facebook I saw she threw a huuuge housewarming party for herself and invited everyone….but me

    When I FINALLY got a hold of her and asked why the fuck she didn’t invite me she said “Oops! I forgot hehe”

    She forgot to invite the ONLY person who helped her move…who drove her back and forth all fucking day….

    Now whenever she reaches out to me I just ghost her.

  4. I used to be friends with this girl who would use me as a scapegoat whenever something bad was going on in her life. If she was upset with her family, she’d always take it out on me. And slowly that’s all our friendship turned into — her ignoring me out of anger until she was ready to trash me some more, and me wondering how it all went so wrong. We don’t talk anymore, and it’s better that way. I don’t think she’s a bad person, she was just a bad friend to me

  5. Never supported my career path, told me I’d fail in it or achieve it way late, even though I have been academically good.

  6. okay I have two friends I can’t choose. One girl raped both of my exes while I was dating one of them. yeah. The second one bullied me out of my gender, religion, and made fun of my dead bird. She was also trans

  7. I’ve had 3 female friends in the past who have made a point of chasing after men that I liked and/or hooked up with them while I was in a full blown relationship with them.

    They were really jerky friends, and 2/3 of them were also huge bullies. I’d sob in self pity for days on end when i’d hear some horrible gossip they had spread about me, or see my boyfriends name show up on her phone, wondering why I was such a worthless person.

    However, I realized that I had a part in that process. I was a people pleasing doormat who preferred to shrink behind the strong personality and opinions of an individual who could command a room. I was effectively causing my own pain in an effort to blend in and not have to be vulnerable and honest with anyone. This was the unfortunate side effect of growing up in a weird fundy, religious group. I didn’t want anyone to know about my personal life…and basically my logic was that if you hang out with people who are self absorbed, they don’t ask you any questions.

    The final friend who was like this was the only girl i actually stood up to, and she bawled and had a tantrum when I told her “that is such a rude thing to say, why would you talk to me in such a disgusting way”. She went completely red with fury and tried to retort but her voice broke and she slammed the door and left my apartment then tried to make me apologize to her later over the phone and I just hung up on her. I realized she wasn’t actually a very strong person, just a loud and attention seeking person… and I don’t actually respect those qualities at all.

  8. I was freinds with a girl for a long time growing up, when we got older I started to realize the friendship we had was to make her look better because she always thought she was better than me. She wanted me around to make herself look good.

    She would lie to her neighbors about me, making people hate me for no reason. It was uncomfortable for me, I felt their anger towards me but couldn’t understand what the purpose of the lies were.

    One time I told her I didn’t like to wear thongs. (Mind you I was like the 12). We were around some middle school boys at the time and she started shouting to everyone that I don’t wear thongs.

    (We’re in our 20s now). she started bringing guys home when her fiance was at work, not just one guy, like multiple guys to hang out and drink. She let this one guy sleep In HER AND HER FIANCES BED with their child who was like 2 years old. She borrowed this guys sports car and drove it around all day when her fiance wasn’t around. I WAS FED UP. I decided to do the right thing. I told her fiance the stuff she was doing behind his back because he deserved to know. And she told him I was lieing. I cut all contact with her. freinds of 10 years.

  9. My childhood “best friend”. Always with the backhanded compliments, put downs, no support whatsodamnever, having to try and one up EVERYONE. Didn’t know a damn thing about a damn thing, but wanted to try and gaslight everyone into believing she was some kind of damn genuis. Last straw? When she literally tried to tell ME how to do my actual damn job. Woman can barely read, but she wants to tell me how to get into law school? Eat me.

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