Hi all – thank you for all the input on my last post [Link to old post](https://old.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/comments/s8lgfu/date_arranged_but_left_me_on_unread_not_sure_how/)

Really appreciate all the thoughts on there – it’s interesting how divided everyone is, and kind of comforting I’m not the only crazy anxious person out there in the OLD world.

Edit: but also appreciate the reverse opinions, and it’s good to ‘check’ yourself sometimes, and keep some perspective!

– So I did message her the night before the day (Thu night) to check we were still on, and she replied positively.
– I didn’t message again on the day but she did about an hour before to say she was going to be late.
– She did turn up, she didn’t stand up or ghost me.
– The date went okay, I got the sense she was pretty jaded by O.L.D. and was not really into messaging loads before actually meeting up.
– I wasn’t totally sure about her but it was a nice meet, we’re going to do it again later this week.. and I’ll try not have a minor meltdown about it if she doesn’t message 😉

  1. I love updates! Thank you OP!

    I was one of the ones that was predicting it wasn’t looking good. However, I would be mindful of this “sense” you got that she was pretty jaded by OLD. There could be some stuff to unpack from that. Plenty of people don’t message much before first dates and aren’t jaded FWIW. Anyway, enjoy the second date!

  2. Glad it went well, thanks for updating us too. I wondered over the weekend what happened to you.

  3. Yay! Glad that it was just neutral even. With so many negative reactions and jaded OLD – I am happy to hear this.

    If it doesn’t work out, totally okay. Glad that someone pulled through and you did what was best for you to ease your anxiety.

  4. Glad to hear that she didn’t end up ghosting you! Let us know how that second date goes. Sometimes the second dates have really pushed me towards a person I was iffy about.

  5. I’ll admit I wasn’t on the right side of history but I’m glad I was wrong. Good luck on your next date! And you’ve given me a reminder to STOP making assumptions lol

  6. I’ve been in the same boat many times. I’ve just decided to relax and let nature take its course. That’s the best thing you can do.

  7. Good to hear. I was on the side that said “just confirm the day before” and that it wasn’t any type of red flag.

    Here is the thing with this sub, whatever your opinion on anything, whether its texting frequency, or paying for dates, or confirming before a date. You can find a lot of people to agree with you. Depending on what the topic is, it can definitely lead you to sabatoging you because “so many people said this is a bad sign”.

    I get why you come here for advice, hell, I do too. But I’d really suggest taking things with a grain of salt.

  8. Glad you had a positive outcome! Have your minor meltdown. No sense in bottling your emotions up. Just don’t let the meltdown dictate your actions. It can inform, but it hasn’t earned the right to decide.

  9. Don’t depend on message delivery/read status. Ever. There’s a ton of ways those fail or reasons /ways for the end user not to fully read the message through the interface to trigger a ‘read’ status.

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