Context my gf (F18) has been going through a really bad patch with her step-dad basically blowing up the marriage. Her mom asked her if she wanted to leave the house and she said yeah. She still doesn’t know if they will move out but if they do they’ll go into an apartment. If they do she’ll have to get a second job doing virtual tutoring which will conflict with the job we have now, she’ll have a lot on her plate. They’ll probably decide when the step-dad comes back from overseas in 2 months.

My gf told me that once she’s done with community college in 1 or 1.5 years that she’ll apply to a Canadian or European college and transfer there and her family will probably go with her and she’ll go to whichever one accepts her. She just wants to leave America because there not originally from here.

I (M21) then told her about me thinking of going away to a school 3 hours away and she told me I should go because I’ll be putting myself first. I didn’t tell her I was thinking of staying local because I realized I’d be able to finish my degree in 1.5 years instead of 3-3.5 years at the other school and then decide where I want to move to.

I’ll admit this hurt because shes telling me to go, I really liked this girl and I thought it could’ve been something. If all this wasn’t happening I felt it could’ve worked. I’m not saying that I would 100% go with her but still it just hurts. She always talked about relationships and marriage and I thought she thought of our relationship like that, she takes it seriously and confides in me because she trusts me which is hard for her because of her abandonment issues. I’m just confused and sad.

TLDR; gf told me to go to college and it hurt because it means we’ll probably break up.

1 comment
  1. She’s got a lot on her plate right now and doesn’t want to add guilt to it.

    And she is going to feel very guilty if you choose to sacrifice a potentially great future when she has no idea where she will wind up or what her circumstances will be.

    She loves you enough that she isn’t willing to make false promises just to keep you around.

    I know it hurts because you love her but what she suggests is probably the right option.

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