I (30F) matched with a guy 1.5 weeks ago and now we are DMing on instagram. We have scheduled our first date this week. In his profile he says that he looks for a relationship.

What kind of questions would you ask him on the first date? How would you approach the first few dates?

While I want to have fun and enjoy our date, I want to also learn about his values, vision of the future etc. I’m looking for a relationship that leads to a marriage eventually, so having an exclusive relationship is my goal, that if we decide to date, I want to reach soon.

  1. Questions come naturally when the convo is flowing. If you feel like an employer at an interview on a date, it means it probably isn’t going too well haha

  2. It’s hard to plan in advance what questions you will or will not ask- like someone else already mentioned, the conversation will flow and you’ll likely find yourself spitting out questions left right and centre. Generally, I would ask questions that I would like to be asked back. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What are you long term/short term goals? People like to talk about themselves and that is a scientific fact. You may not even have to ask specific questions about his values and whatnot to determine what they are- they may just reveal themselves.

    I say be safe and have fun, and don’t put too much pressure on it. You definitely and probably don’t want to seem like you’re trying too hard.

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