I have a good friend that I see frequently who I really like and I think is a genuinely good person. But he has a tendency to rub people the wrong way since he can be kind of quiet, sarcastic, and stand offish. Again, I think he’s a nice person but outwardly he can definitely be abrasive.

I learned that we have a mutual acquaintance who apparently doesn’t like him at all and I’m tempted to tell him to let him know but I’m not sure if I should. My friend is working on becoming more self-aware and trying to be less of an “asshole” (his words). Would this be helpful information for him to know?

1 comment
  1. This is a tough one. I would be more inclined to stay out of things and not get sucked into whatever goes on. If someone has an issue with your friend, it’s not your place to get involved in my opinion. That’s really between the two of them. Now if he asks you for feedback specifically then you can test the waters to see how he responds. But generally if someone doesn’t ask your for advice or feedback on how they come off to others, I wouldn’t bother saying anything.

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