Men, how do you channel your anger without causing irreversible damage?

  1. Find an outlet bro. Gym,gun range, videogames etc. We all need to release stress. Just don’t take it out in others.

  2. punching bag is best. because stress is actually released through physical means. you have to ‘trick’ your body into thinking that the danger is over by physical movement/violence. in olden times, men hunt and kill their prey and the stress is released.

  3. Why so angry? Even without an outlet you should be so rageful, maybe see a therapist

  4. I take a pause to avoid doing anything I will regret later. As for channeling part, that’s just your preworkout for gym.

  5. Don’t bottle stuff up. Take an extra 5 seconds to think before acting. Speak your feelings when you can.

    If that doesn’t work, I like playing drums.

  6. With an outlet. For me it’s running, lifting at the gym, and bouldering.

    Find something where you can safely channel your anger and emotions out in. Could be physical exercise, writing, drawing, painting, or anything really. Something where you can let that anger out in a safe and healthy way through doing or creating. Or even destroying. There’s a place by where I live where you can pay $45 and go break bottles and TV’s for 30 minutes while listening to angry metal music. Just find an outlet for your aggression and emotions.

  7. Physical fitness is a top choice. Great way to rid the energy and do something positive for yourself.

    On a separate note, I find acknowledging that you’re angry and choosing to make the reasonable choice in spite of your anger is another way to deal with it. It’s there, and that’s OK. You don’t have to act on that anger.

  8. I go in my woods and smack branches against trees so the branches shatter wood fragments everywhere. I also run in the park. I journal what’s on my mind
    If something still bothers me after exercising. By doing these things, I rarely express anger towards people.

  9. In the moment I remember that rage has only ever made things worse. I usually spend the rest of the day saying the f word every other word. levels me back out.

  10. I stay calm and don’t get angry. I’ll think about something that makes me angry when I need it, like lifting weights or pushing myself running. Its almost like it save it for later. Its gonna come out somewhere though.

  11. Forgiveness. Of course it isn’t as quick as finding an outlet, but every time the thought that makes you angry comes across your mind forgive the said person/yourself. Tell yourself you’re responsible for all that happens to you and that you forgive. Eventually you won’t need an outlet as the thought will be associated with a sense of forgiveness and a yearning for self-improvement. So yea.

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