Sorry if this has been asked before I tried looking for it. I know there are cases like the Catalonian Flag (i think that’s the name) in Spain that is advocating for independence of that region but I would consider that much different than flying a confederate flag here in the US. Do any European countries even have their version of a confederate flag? I am sorry I’m not really educated on more recent European rebellions

  1. I think the flags that incite the most violence go back to football hooliganism.

    Here in Germany you can sometimes see the flag of the German empire used by far right people who don’t know about history.

    In modern history I can only really think of the Belarusian white red white flag. I think it is seen as a symbol of democracy.

    Overall you see way fewer flags here than in other counties. The German flag is only really flown outside of government buildings. The country tried patriotism and chauvinism once before and we learned our lesson that it is just propaganda and bs. We are proud of not being proud.

  2. We’re not big flag wavers (except when it’s football) so when you hang any kind of flag out of your window it’s already kinda loaded. Depending on which flag it is you may be seen as a Belgicist who probably votes left (Belgian flag) or a Flemish separatist who probably votes right (Flag of Flanders).

  3. We don’t really have rebellion flags, but currently there are flags flown upside down in almost every street (outside the big cities) because of protest against government reform proposals.

    Another infamous flag is the prinsenvlag, the Dutch flag during the 16th century.


    It has become a symbol of right wing nationalists (more or less like the conferedate flag), and even neo-nazi’s. Its also a symbol of Apartheid as it is the basis for the South African Apartheid flag. It is not common to see it, but now and then it can be spotted in the wild.

  4. The over all flag culture is bigger in the US.
    Here in sweden flags isnt as serious as over there.
    We only have our flags up on celebrations like birthdays or midsummer etc.

    Not sure about what the confederate flag stands for more then it was used by one of the sides during some civil war over there right?
    So I guess its some sort of indepentance symbol?
    We really dont have any form of region that seeks independence like that since we “lost” Norway.

  5. In County Cork, Ireland… they have assumed the nickname ‘The Rebel County’. As such, over the years they have a penchant for flying the confederate flag especially at sporting events. Not for it’s association with the slavery and racism from the Deep South, but because they were deemed ‘rebels’. There have been efforts to dissuade them from this in recent years for obvious reasons.

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