Are you more likely to date someone out of dependence on affection/partnership or want for companionship and someone with which you can share respect and trust

  1. In my experience respect is everything. In every bad relationship I’ve seen or been a part of the respect just wasn’t there. If one partner doesn’t respect the other then they’re going to see them as beneath them and that type of dynamic doesn’t lead to a healthy long-term relationship.

    If one person thinks the other is stupid, or incompetent, or untrustworthy how are you supposed to build off that? It’s going to be a constant roadblock that keeps things from progressing in a meaningful way.

  2. Respect and trust are absolutely fundamental. A relationship will not work without both.

  3. In a healthy relationship you never think about it.

    In an unhealthy relationship, it’s usually absent.

    Similar to how you don’t really think about needing oxygen to breathe until suddenly you don’t have access to any breathable O2.

  4. A huge role. People who respect you will treat you kindly. They won’t break your boundaries intentionally, they’ll put in the effort to rectify it if they do so accidentally. They won’t waste your time. They won’t take cheap shots during arguments or do petty stuff just to hurt you etc etc

  5. If she doesn’t respect you, she will shit all over you.

    If you don’t respect her, you be a lout and shit all over her

  6. It’s the cornerstone. If the respect isn’t mutual then you’re wasting each other’s time.

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