I (26M) had a first date last night with a girl I met about a month ago. We’ve talked everyday since meeting and planned this date two weeks ago.

I picked her up at 7:30 for minigolf, had drinks at a rooftop bar after from 9-11:30, then walked around a little in the city after drinks. She was very talkative and engaging but her body language seemed very reserved/uninterested. Arms crossed for a while, no playful touching, maintained space between us during drinks. Besides the physical she was very vocally flirty and wasn’t on her phone at all so I am left confused.

She did mention a “next time” when I went to pay for the bill so that has me hopeful. Thoughts? Am I reading into this too much?

  1. What are you confused about? Not everyone touched people on a first date. It seems like she’s very interested and was on a FIRST date. I wouldn’t think too much about her not putting her hands on you, you’re a stranger after all. I think it sounds like it went well.

  2. Body language and physical touch are important signs someone is on to you, but it’s not the same for everyone. Some people are naturally less touchy feely

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