Edit: Oh my goodness ladies! Thank you for your responses. Browsing through these I think being a women is very difficult and exhausting. Be kind to yourself queens and have a wonderful fucking relaxing evening! 👑🧖🏼‍♀️

  1. 1. we must initiate
    2. we will do domestic labor
    3. our focus is only his pleasure
    4. we’re always competing with each other
    5. we are the emotional ones

  2. Being the “peacemaker” in a situation usually including men. Always disliked how women were seen as the “heart” of the family, the one keeping it all together. They want it to sound noble, but it sounds exhausting as hell and unfair. Like no one in a family can function without a woman doing the emotional labor.

    I have been a woman of chaos for several moments in my life LOL, not a troublemaker (all the time) but one to stand up for myself in ways that are not expected. They assume I’ll be a peacemaker because I am a woman. HAHA!

  3. Having children.

    (I say this as a parent, but expected procreation is bullshit. I support the choice of others to not have children.)

  4. Dressing for men. I see many people tell women that they should not dye or cut their hair, not get tattoos, or wear certain fashion because it is unappealing to men. However, a lot of women nowadays (like me) dress for themselves and not for male pleasure.

  5. Anything that is is expected of a woman just because she’s a woman.

  6. – men paying for dates/drinks
    – women being primarily responsible for household chores
    – that it should be everyone’s or even most people’s goal to have children

  7. Having children. When I tell people I don’t want kids, they always look at me like I’m crazy and then tell me I’m still young and I’ll change my mind

  8. Taking care of a husband like he is an overgrown toddler incapable of doing anything for himself

  9. Expecting us to do endless emotional labour. And yet if we are wrung out or don’t have the capacity to deal with it on top of our own issues, we are called cold and uncaring,

  10. Sex isn’t a right when you’re in a relationship. You have to maintain other parts of the relationship to keep that flame alive. “You must be cheating” isn’t going to make the situation any better.

  11. Having to smile and accommodate other people’s awkward and rude behavior. The- “I’m sorry I can’t help but to say or notice” and what they is creepy, unwarranted, intrusive, interrupting, offensive etc. Get out of my space! I don’t care that my voice is unusually high pitched or that whatever you noticed or have to say about me.

  12. Being docile and passive. We’re expected to take so much crap on a daily basis without complaining. Sexual harassment? *it’s just a compliment*. Sexual assault? *you had it coming. do you really want to ruin his life?* Periods or any type of pain/illness? *it’s not that bad*. The amount of mental labor we’re expected to do is exhausting, but we have to do it or nothing would get done. And then men get offended and call us names when we assert ourselves or express any emotion other than happiness. Our boundaries are constantly trampled and we’re supposed to just take it with a smile. It’s so frustrating!

  13. To never care about a man’s looks, only his heart or wallet.
    Looks aren’t everything but for some reason women are expected to put sacrifice their sexual attraction to man just to get one.

  14. That they need to wear makeup to look presentable — think a professional setting, a lot of people have the notion that it is lazy for a woman to not have ANY makeup on.

    Now I wear makeup sometimes and sometimes I don’t, I just think it’s an outdated expecting that half of the population has never had.

  15. That all women want a man/relationship.

    I’m happily single for years and don’t want to be in a relationship. I don’t get why people assume that single women aren’t as happy as the ones in a relationship, when it was proven that single women are the happiest population out there. 🤫

  16. The concept that women should work-outside the home and do most of the housework. The idea that a stay at home woman is less than a woman who works and has a home.

    We went too far the other way with the whole women working concept.

  17. A woman must be lady like

    You know how I feel about that one? (Farts loudly) that’s how I feel

  18. giving birth. It is the second most terrifying and painful thing a person can go through, the first is *burning alive.* The industry is great at hiding the many difficulties of pregnancy just to further the human race. You can permanently lose grey matter in your brain, weaken your bladder, develop allergies?? during and after pregnancy. Don’t even get me started on the labour itself- i have no idea why any informed woman would want that. just google 4th degree tears and you’ll be put off for life

  19. Being event coordinator, sender of household thank you notes, purchasing holiday gifts

  20. The automatic assumption that a woman will take her husband’s last name upon marriage

  21. – Our lives and identities being structured around and based upon motherhood and relationships.

    – Being expected to be a nurturer and perform the majority of the emotional labor in most situations.

    – The pressure to conform our bodies and our sexual behavior, in time consuming, ridiculous and even harmful ways, to whatever unrealistic standard is in style at the time.

    – Having to defy the normal process of ageing and that ageing somehow diminishes our worth.

  22. That we are expected to smile all the time to everyone for no reason at all. Men don’t do this, aren’t expected to and don’t get approached unsolicited from strangers in public with advice to “smile more.”

  23. That doctors STILL do not provide adequate health care for us. And the fact that we still don’t have autonomy of our bodies (in the US)

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