It’s a very long story but we were coworkers and we would flirt for over a year and eventually did the deed but it got messy when he got a girlfriend but still chased after me. I thought he would leave her for me or just stop dating her but he didn’t really and eventually he took a trip with her to another country and that extremely hurt my feelings even though he was still after me (trying to have sleep with me and flirting at work). So in revenge I slept with another coworker but I didn’t tell anyone and somehow he still found out (other guy I slept with definitely told other coworkers). As a result he started flirting and getting really close with a girl coworker I told him that I didn’t like because she was very rude and envious of me. So from then on for close to 2 1/2 years he would purposely flirt with her when I was around by there touching her, going towards her when I would show up, waiting for me to appear to taunt me. I eventually got completely sick of it and just stopped even saying hello to him as I had only had been having small talk with him since he started doing that. Eventually he stopped flirting with that girl and started trying to get me to talk to him again but at that point I was completely sick and embarrassed that he would do that to me but never had I stop loving him throughout that time. I miss him so much and I would never ever get back with him especially since I left our place of business two years ago and he never reached out or went after me or look for me. I know he had feelings for me but he really screwed me up with that. The last year that I was there he was gone for the first half because of an incident unrelated and when he got back he saw that I was getting close with one of our other coworkers and we were just friends honestly he even had A baby on the way with his fiancé so there was nothing there but he kind of saw me daily with this guy and so he thought I was trying to get back at him in some way. So he decided to befriend another coworker and got really close with her and show her off when I was around like he did with the other coworker girl. Honestly this just pissed me off because instead of actually approaching me he just kept going the other route and not being a man about things or upfront about his emotions or feelings. Anyhow it’s been 3 years since I’ve seen him and I think about him every day practically but after everything he’s done I just can’t seem to get over him.

How can I move on after all these years?

TLDR: I still miss a guy who pretty much tormented me on the daily but I know had feelings for me

1 comment
  1. So 7 years ago, you were 21 and both of you were playing games and trying to make each other jealous by sleeping with other people. You never had a legit relationship, nor did you seem to have a good basis for a relationship, so any thoughts you have of this man are pure fantasy, since you have no idea what he might really be like as a partner.

    Instead of continuing to obsess over a man who is most likely married by now with at least one child, why not put your energies into finding an actual, available partner to date and forget about this guy?

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