So I met my friend earlier this year through a mutual friend. He and I seemed to click from the moment we met and we became good platonic friends very easily and we hang out fairly often. But lately I’ve noticed his attitude has changed around me.

He grew up pretty traditional and insists the man pays for things for the woman. Seemed strange to me since we aren’t a couple and I can pay for myself, but I shrugged it off. He almost always compliments me whenever he sees me, always physically close to me whenever we hang out, always gives me a hug before we part ways, and his body language is always very engaged when he’s around me. I was willing to brush these things off as him just being naturally flirty or friendly, but the other day, we were talking about love and relationships. It felt casual until
he said he’s not looking for a serious relationship but wants intimacy and asked me if I could relate, asking me questions about my relationship status, what I’m looking for relationship-wise, etc. It’s not the first time we’ve talked about romance, but he seemed nervous to talk to me about it and laughed it off and the rest of the night was normal.

I want to straight up ask him if he has feelings for me, but I don’t want to ruin a really good friendship with a question like that. Should I just ask him or let him come to me about it??

  1. Sounds to me like he’s simping to me and I’m assuming you don’t want to just be fwb so I’d tell him that you can’t have intimacy without the relationship. He’ll magically change his mind, but you’ll get your straight up answer by his actions afterwards

  2. Honestly the vibes are off. I don’t even know this guy and I’m feeling suffocated from how you’re describing him.

    It sounds like he wants a the perks of being in a relationship but none of the commitment.

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