So my gf used to date this guy before me for a month. They weren’t official, but they dated pretty intensively for that one month and vibed really well. No sex or anything, but made out a couple times.

Anyways, the guy decided to stop dating her and kinda broke her heart. She then met me after and obviously we hit it off great and now we’re officially dating. She has been pretty transparent about her relationship with the guy now and now they’re just friends. She no longer has feelings for him. But I noticed she still likes his pictures on Instagram and also liked a shirtless pic he had. Wasn’t too sexual, just a beach pic really.

It is making me feel weird…really only because she dated him before. Am I just being insecure or is this a red flag?

TLDR: Gf liked a shirtless pic of a guy she used to date for a month (but they’re friends now). Still making me feel kinda weird considering they dated before. Am I being insecure?

  1. You’re being insecure. You listed the facts pretty clearly. They’re just friends and guess what girls do for their friends? They spend hours on social media liking shit and hearting shit.

    Literally I scroll and machine-gun “like” everybody’s posts without hardly looking at any of them. It’s just what you do. You give free likes to your friends. You can chill, your girlfriend isn’t going anywhere.

  2. Nah bro you ain’t insecure at all. Don’t fall for that trap. Her liking a shirtless pic of a man that she dated before is disrespectful to you. Check her on it or kick her to the streets. If she doesn’t listen then respect yourself and keep that abundance mindset. I would not be happy if my gf did that.

  3. Would she be happy if you were liking pics of your ex girlfriends wearing a bikini? Nope. Tell her you don’t like it.

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