I will give you some examples which I encounter,

1- one of my personalities like rap music and Kanye West and this genre totally and other personality like Justin Bieber and Taylor swift , I like both genres I feel both touch some point of my inner self but i don’t know which one is really me I can’t decide which one do I like and when I talk with people like this genre it that I feel I am not totally like these people you get it ?

2- I have personality where am very nice and a personality where I really don’t give a F so I don’t know which of them is really me they are different traits and different ways of thinking and TOTALLY different personalities i don’t know which of them is me and when I take a side I feel like acting to be this “me” not the real me , cause I don’t know who is the real me …

3 – these personalities have different people I like and different fav places to go I really can’t be myself totally and I Don’t know what is really the problem.

Note : it’s not only 2 personalities they are more but I mentioned some contradictions as an example …

  1. Don’t put yourself in a box. You don’t need to be either or. You can like whatever you like, even if it’s not common. Your musical tastes don’t define you. Be your authentic self and don’t worry if it makes sense to other people, it doesn’t need to.

  2. You’re overthinking this. You’re someone who likes both Kanye West and Taylor Swift. You are nice sometimes and other times don’t give a fuck. Sometimes you really prefer going one place; sometimes another. All of this and more is the real you. In this, you are exactly like everybody else. Nobody is a simple stereotype and we all contain ‘contradictory’ aspects in ourselves.

  3. You sound like a kid who doesn’t know what having a personality means. You must be super young.

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