Like something personality wise that makes a girlfriend cool?

  1. Skilled in martial arts.

    Lifts at the gym.

    Practices sports often and daily.

    Has a nice, fat ass on a slim waist.

  2. She’s down. No matter what it is. Movies and sex. Movies and food. Long drive. Long talks/deep talks/vents. She just there for you she doesn’t care what you wanna do with her she just want to be there and have a good time. Women who constantly send little suggestions on what she wants to do but never outright asks and expects me to tend to her subtle whims..get lost, gimme the snugglebug who goes with the flow. I don’t bite my flow is pretty chill. Don’t interrupt my chil lol

  3. Anytime I’ve seen a “cool gf” it’s usually because she knows how to switch between girlfriend time where she’s the center of a man’s attention and “being one of the guys” and not needing to be the center of attention/being her own person in a group

  4. Being committed to the relationship. Being able to properly communicate, i.e. both listen to and speak up about problems in order to solve them rather than making a drama.

  5. Low maintenance. She’s direct but not demanding. Down for anything, but also has her own opinions.

    For example, if I want to go somewhere, she’s excited to do that but then adds in something she wants to do.

    Me: “We should o try that new place on 13th.”

    Her: “Totally, and we can get some icecream afterwards.”

  6. Keeps commitments, doesn’t reneg, if I offer to take her out she’s happy enough to be spending time with me that she doesn’t try to do something different. Doesn’t isolate me from friends and family, knows Im not a therapist, mind reader, or her girl friend

  7. Exactly the same things that make a cool boyfriend if you want a healthy relationship.

  8. As I’ve gotten older the answer to this question has become more an more boring and common sense. I’m in my 30’s so this might no resonate with the young dudes here, but for me it’s as simple as:

    **stability, maturity, and independence.**

    If you’ve got those down when it comes to emotions, sex, money, and interests, then you’re cool to me. I don’t care if your bible thumping, cliff jumping, or black leather humping. Just get some therapy and sort your shit out. I’m too old to enjoy time with someone who acts like a teenager.

    Unfortunately, this is super rare where I live. Mental health and education aren’t funded well and most people (both sexes) are immature, unstable, dependent, stupid (staggering rate of illiteracy here) or straight up evil. Even many people who were cool in their 20s have regressed in their 30s.

  9. Fun, bat shit crazy, and probably great in bed.

    It didn’t say healthy, just cool.

  10. As I’ve gotten older I’ve found that the coolest girlfriends are the ones where our interests are a healthy venn diagram. I want her to have her interests, I have my interests, and we have some genuinely shared interests between us. I want a healthy split in time for those 3 categories. I get suffocated if I can’t enjoy my solo activities, I want her to have stuff she likes to do on her own (or with other friends), but I also want to spend time together doing stuff we both like to do.

    I also think girlfriends who know what they want and ask for it (or take it!) are the coolest. Subtle hints like “oh it’s really nice outside” when she really wants to take the dogs to the park together are lame compared to just saying, “Hey, let’s go take the dogs to the park” I hate feeling like I’m the arbiter for your entertainment.

  11. I like that I can actually discuss social topics with her without being called misogynistic or something.

    I‘m not a misogynist. But as soon as I don’t agree with some people‘s agenda, I get attacked.

    My girl doesn’t agree with me in many cases. But we can have a civil discussion.

  12. Someone who actually communicates and doesn’t act like you’re being weird for wanting to talk multiple days in a row

  13. She does her own thing, she supports you in your things, she’s peaceful, and spontaneous head is always nice

  14. Someone who is taller than you.
    Don’t know why tall girls get so much hate.

  15. My female friend. She is a 10/10, everything about her physic is just perfect, she dresses well, she is fun to be around, you never get bored with her, good taste in music, she always finds something to do. When it comes to deep and serious conversations she never disappoints.

  16. being direct, shared interests, supportive, like a guy friend but also a lover

  17. Someone who encourages and helps you to be the best version of yourself.

  18. Everyone has something that makes them cool,and different people consider different things cool,you shouldn’t change yourself to be with someone,you should be yourself and meet someone who likes the most real version of you

  19. Being able to switch between being dialled in/capable/ambitious, and goofing off. And having the wisdom to know when to do it.

  20. Someone one can cuddle with like a girlfriend and chill with like one of the boys, someone who treats people well.

  21. 👏Co 👏MMu👏Ni👏Ca👏Tion

    And loving to spend time with her and going out with her. Generally, you, your friends, your family, love her energy, just like how they love you.

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