For real, I am in my late twenties, and I realized not that long ago that I don’t have to put up with toxic people, at all. From time to time, they do bring something useful into my life, but more often than not, they just try to highjack me emotionally.

I have a good job, a good set of valuable in-demand skills, hobbies that help me meet new people and keep healthy; why do I need those “toxic” friends? My experience dealing with them in the past, helps me spot them out. If with time I see a new friend displaying these certain toxic traits on a regular basis, I cut them out. Blocked everywhere, the phone deleted, easy. It then it struck me that you don’t have to tolerate toxic people, unless you meet them at your job.

I used to be worried that the most popular people in my circle were also very scheming and toxic. I couldn’t relate to them because I refused to spread gossip and backstab people. I was sort out of an outcast among them, I chose my own path, refusing to become like them. With time, I have been proven to be right. Most of them didn’t amount to anything, they still keep talk shit about each other, backstab, and spill out each other’s secrets, while I am minding my own business and moving ahead in life.

Life is too short for that. I want to spend it being surrounded by good people. I do have very good friends, but they are few, which I think is expected; good friends are hard to come by. My advice, cut out negativity in your life and focus on your lane. Be kind.

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