so a couple months ago i(24f) worked up the courage to ask my crush(26m) out on a date. the actual date went pretty well and we had a really good conversation but at the end of it he told me that he wasn’t looking for anything serious.

getting rejected kinda sucked but i wasn’t emotionally invested or anything so i got over it fairly quickly. plus i was kinda proud of myself for making the first move cause i never would’ve done anything like that 3 years ago.

anyways i got a text from him last night saying that he’s been thinking about me a lot and that he’d like to try and see where things go. i haven’t replied yet cause im honestly shocked and not sure how to respond. should i give a second chance or not?

  1. In my opinion he is just bored or whatever he was planning back then didn’t work out, so he has come back to you asking for a second chance.

  2. If he said he doesn’t want anything serious, then you should take that to heart. He might still enjoy your company, want something casual or he might just be looking to have sex with you. However, if you’re looking for a serious relationship then I’d say give this one a hard pass.

  3. Tough to say. You said in another comment it’s been 4 months. He needs to explain to you what changed, and if he is looking for something serious right now. Definitely be wary of him trying to just have sex. That’s entirely possible. If it were me (m) and roles were reversed, I’d probably want to take things slowly for a bit to make sure it wasn’t just a random horny text.

  4. Maybe he remembers your cute smile? Maybe he remembers how he enjoyed talking with you? Maybe he cant get your eyes off his mind?

    Give him a try.

  5. Naw, pass on this one. He was probably in a situationship that didn’t work out and he knows you were right there a few months ago. Females get caught up because you’re guided by your emotions…don’t start trying to figure him out, it will get you caught up…

  6. Yeah, he’d have to do more than send a text out the blue for another chance

  7. Maybe give the second chance, but be very careful about the physical side of things. Wait a while and see if he’s actually in it for you

  8. No! What is wrong with you? He already wasted your time once, you want him to waste more of it?

    He is probably bored and trying to mess around because he has nothing better to do.

  9. If you’re still interested in him, tell him that you’re still looking for something serious. If he’s not open to that then you can move on, if he is then perhaps it’s worth another date.

  10. I’d give him a chance but carefully and slowly. Don’t expect too much and don’t get your hopes up but maybe it’ll be fun. You’ll never k ow unless you try.

  11. It’s really really simple – Ask him if he’s looking for something serious now. Don’t sleep with him until 4 or 5 dates. If he is serous, he’ll wait – If he’s just trying to get a fuck, he’ll not stick around.

  12. he’s bored. i’d give him a chance **but don’t get cocky too early**. go out and see what changed. he’s most likely looking for a rebound relationship.

    i’d honestly say to him this “okay sure, but this time things go my way.” and do your best to be fair but hold your ground.

  13. These people are bitter, don’t listen to them. Ask him what changed and why he wants one now, abs go from there. Redditors are the epitome of misery loves company and will lead you to nothing but loneliness and bitterness.

  14. I’d honestly just give him another chance, he said straight up he wasn’t looking for anything serious at that time, but the date still went well the first time. If he’s looking for that now and so are you, and he’s ready, just give it a shot. What’s meant to be will be and if it’s meant to work out it will!!!

  15. I think you should definitely give him another chance! I think he didn’t want to be in a serious relationship – until he went out with you. Now he’s kicking himself a little.

  16. Dont date that that type of mfs. He is definitely looking for sex, dude probably cant find anyone, thats why he tried to contact you with the hope that he will have sex with you. Pass that mf. Find another one

  17. Don’t listen to cockblockers on here. Get in there and have a good time if you like him.

  18. Give him another chance, but state that you’re looking for a serious relationship once more and keep him an arm length away. Do not pick up where you two left off. He is back at level 0 with you.

    And do not allow him to be physical with you or allow yourself to be physical with him. People are capable of change. If you learn he is looking for a rebound or a casual relationship with you, kick him to the curb. Never lower your standards for someone who’s not willing to reach your standards in the first place.

    Be on the guard for lovebombing or if he tries to dismiss/dodge your questions pertaining to him ghosting you for 4 months.

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