How do/did you get in terms with mortality?

  1. “Death is nothing to us. When we exist, death is not; and when death exists, we are not. All sensation and consciousness ends with death and therefore in death there is neither pleasure nor pain. The fear of death arises from the belief that in death, there is awareness.” – Epicurus

    Think Epicurus’ take is the best.

  2. When I’m playing a video game, reading a book, watching a movie, etc. I’m not sitting there thinking how will this impact my life after or what does this mean. I’m just enjoying it. That’s the same way I look at life. I’m not sitting here thinking about what it will all mean when it is over. I’m just trying to enjoy the ride.

  3. when you’re 19-20 and you go through your angsty existential phase, you realize that time is precious and the best you can do is minimize how much of your own time you take for granted

  4. Had times back in my life, a decade ago or more when I was only 10 or even younger, couldn’t sleep for nights or woke up crying and all because I was unable to bear the thought of what happens, these memories still coming with me, I feel my chest collapsing, feel how I star panicking, all because my childhood. Do I fear death now? Not really, but of course as mere mortal, I feel discomfort about the topic, but I try accepting the rules, but no man will ever accept it totally, just in the end where you realise it won’t matter and run out of options

  5. I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.
    Mark Twain

  6. Well you don’t really have to come to terms with it, you’re going to die either way. But being totally healthy and at the peak of my career with a good relationship and having a doctor drop the bomb that I might not see the next year didn’t really leave much choice.

  7. Utilitarianism. Maximize my potential lifelong happiness in every decision I make.

  8. I’ve attempted suicide twice, once by pills, once by antifreeze.

    The time between taking the substances and the time I was forcibly saved was the most blissful and euphoric time in my life. All worries faded away. I knew everything was going to be over.

    So, knowing that peace awaits me, if either by my own hand or something else, has completely killed my fear of death.

  9. I lived in a caravan for 6 years with a roach problem. being alone for long periods of time does funny things to your perspectives. after a while I began to enjoy their company. then I gassed them all with bug spray when I realised how fuckin weird I was being. it wasnt easy. a little bit heart breaking. all I could think of was how pointless life really is and how we’re really no different from those roaches. just eating and fucking and dying til some unforeseeable event wipes us all out. so then what now? just livin out life, aiming to be comfortable, believing in a logical sense of karma; that treating others with respect and fairness will help make an easier and more comfortable life for myself and those I care about. either nothing happens when we die or there’s an afterlife. either way, all you can do is make the best decision possible with the information at hand.

  10. I’m gonna live till 94. That’s cool by me but I sure hope I win the lottery or so cause I won’t have enough money to live that long.

  11. Death is an option every day.
    It is usually the bad one.
    There is too much to do, too much to see.
    And the moment you turn into a father – it is definitely the bad one.
    Someone is counting on you. Someone actually needs you.
    You really “need” to survive for the first time in your life.
    I know I am mortal- it is the very thing that makes this life interesting. But having a child is the first real impetus of going on “just a little bit further” each and every day.

  12. Honestly? Suicidal depression. I got so low that I tried to get out bc I figured dead was better than what I was going through. Fast forward a few years and I’m no longer suicidal, but having made peace with death before makes me less afraid of it now

  13. 100 years ago I didn’t exist.

    I was in zero pain. Had zero worries or anxiety.

    In 100 years I won’t exist.

    And I will again have zero pain, zero worries or anxiety.

    Live each day. Breathe, listen to music, walk in a forest, swim in a lake, hug your loved ones.

    In the end that’s what we have…

  14. Accept it, living forever in skin sounds terrible. Value the small things and appreciate the relations around you.

  15. I’m simply not that afraid of death. Obviously nobody wants a painful death, but the fact that I will die someday, whether thats in the next 5 minutes or not, doesnt really bother me.

    If being dead is like how it was for the 14,000,000,000 years we went before being born, it cant be that bad.

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