I m15 lost my virginity to a girl f16 today my nut was kinda clear and I pulled out. She bled a little after and her period should start in less than a week. What are the chances she could be pregnant and any advice on how to be safe in the future? I’m scared I just ruined my future.

  1. You pulled out right so it was completely on you to pull oit at the correct time if ya didnt nut in her first you should be fine but do yourself and any partners you may have a favor and wear a rubber
    Your stil a child think aboit that a child raising a child and these chicks these days will be glad to use a child for whatever they want and make your life hell im speaking from experience but i was 21 when I had my first daughter had her til 5 then didnt see her again til 18 and although her Mama was the reason behind it she stil resents me so its a no win
    Dont ever grace a chick with your PP without practicing safe sex you said yourself you lost ypur virginity so how would ya know a difference between a comdom or without

  2. Yes pregnancy could occur. Now- get her plan b pill, they have it at target near condoms. She needs to take it tomorrow for best chance to prevent pregnancy. Tell her not to worry, It is just a strong birth control pill, I’ve taken it before and was fine- condom broke so I had one on hand for that.

    Next time and always until you know your partner is on birth control, tested for stds, monogamous relationship—-wear a condom. Or wear one to be extra safe.

    I don’t know whose idea it was to do a first time on a movie theater bathroom but make her next time special and be protected. She should also get on birth control too.

    The bleeding was her hymen breaking, that’s normal. Girls can get pregnant any time including their first time. Pulling out is not effective enough.

    Best wishes

  3. This is exactly how my first child was conceived except I didn’t cum at all, pre cum was enough to do the job. Read the advice in another comment from advseeker76 and follow it. It’s not just your future you should be worried about, its the girls too. You’ve been a silly little boy and you need to educate yourself before having sex again. Don’t be silly wrap your willy.

  4. What a wonderful place for your 10 year old to be…. on Reddit lmfao bloke my ass. Chick all the way

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