I [15M] recently (3 months ago) started dating my partner [15NB]. They are the person of my dreams and I apparently am to them as well, and we both know well that ever breaking up would leave us both extremely hurt. Unlike them this is my first relationship and I want to keep it, talking about large decisions like marriage is casual for us (though neither of us really want to rush that right out of highschool). My question is what should I expect for a highschool relationship? will things change? Neither of our brains are full developed yet and school is very different from the real world. What I really want to hear is that I can stay with them forever and not doomers telling how soon they think it might end.

Tldr: Can I keep my teenage romance for the rest of my life?

  1. Yes, things will change. You’ll grow up, learn more about yourselves, what you want from life, and where you want to be in the world. That’s why so many relationships end – people just grow apart, and that’s okay. If you stayed in one place all your life, you’d never actually live. You wouldn’t wish that on someone you love, and they wouldn’t wish that on you.

    It’s not all doom and gloom though – sometimes, those changes complement each other, or bring you closer together. I have a couple of friends in their mid thirties who got together around 14/15, and my parents know a couple in their sixties who’ve been together since they were 12. So it’s not impossible.

    The most important thing is to be mindful of what’s right for you both right now, and don’t let fear of the future stop you making the most of your present.

  2. Lots of people will be against you and push the narrative that it’s impossible or young love, no one can tell you anything because its YOUR life. I’m currently in the same relationship I’ve been in since high school (14yr-currently 20s). Venetrix2 is correct, you change, you mature, you might drift apart, you might not.

    My only advice is, when you’re older, to not force things to work out, it will only make things worse. Don’t worry about the future so much either or whether or not you’ll end up together forever or breaking up–you will miss what’s going on in the present over being so stressed. If you do get older and find yourself longing for different things or experiences, think about it and talk about it openly.

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