What is the worst nightmare you’ve ever had about your S/O?

  1. That in a zombie apocalypse he packed 15 minnie mouse hats instead of water and then said that he had been collecting them for years so he couldn’t leave them behind…..

    In real life he has no minnie mouse items because he has no strong feelings either way towards her.

  2. Okay, I have never talked about this ever but maybe now is the time. I used to have this one dream when I was very young where I was traveling down an old, destroyed road with my mother or another family member. It was kind of post-apocalyptic and I could hear screams and devastation happening all around me, but my mom wouldn’t let me look around.
    Every few minutes at an interval, something horrid was happening where the sky turned to blood and a voice would screech something out as if a demon were speaking it, and any child who heard the words would lie down and die.
    My mom would yank me to her and cover my ears whenever it started, sobbing and holding me close until it passed before continuing on down the road to some ruined house that I suppose was our destination. I had this dream often but every time, I saw something else happen.
    Once, I was able to look down at the road as my mom carried me and I saw a little girl lying by a fence post with blood coming out of every one of the orifices on her face while her mother rocked back and forth over her, wailing.
    We made it to the house once and my family was there, holding me close while we hid away from a window.
    I was maybe 3 or 4 when I had these dreams, but I’m now 21 and I still remember them vividly and the pure sense of dread that occurred during and after them.

  3. He was my SO for three years until a month ago. I had a dream a couple days ago he was cuddling with our mutual girl friend. He asked her out before we ever got together and stroked her hair once when we were together.
    I also frequently have had dreams since the breakup of him acting very cold and mean toward me. It hurts so much.

  4. that he broke up with me with the most hurtful words. the next day he broke up minus the hurtful words (not really)

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