Just read a post about the declining economy UK beach towns largely linking back to a lack of tourism, with brits favouring trips to Spain and Greece.

Does anyone know why Cornwall on the other hand, st Ives, Falmouth ect have not struggled and are still lovely places to visit ?

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  2. They seemed to capture the attention of the wealthy London crowd who all piled in with tons of money and second homes.

    I’d suggest part of the reason Cornwall was picked was it never had that ‘working class tourism’ with piers, arcades etc that you’d see in somewhere like Weymouth. You had a few ‘pioneers’ who noticed it was unknown and had ‘a vibe’ and bought second homes and it all spiralled from there until it becomes Shoreditch on Sea or whatever.

    I don’t think lots of Cornwall natives consider what’s going on as nice

  3. Cornwall’s definitely struggled, it’s one of the poorest parts of the UK.

    I think one of the reasons it fares better though is that Cornwall’s attraction is scenery and the milder weather than most of the UK, whereas seaside towns in other areas had to build and maintain physical attractions that have become derelict over the years. St Ives always has the weather and scenery, compared to a more “artificial” seaside resort like Blackpool that relies on amusements.

  4. There’s always been a vibrant artist scene in St Ives, plus the Hepworth Garden and the Tate. That creates a more year-round attraction for visitors.

    Falmouth has the university and the maritime museum, and it’s good for visiting sailors on yachts.

    Truro is less attractive by comparison and if shows.

  5. Why is Cornwall so far away? It just takes an age to get there from anywhere in this country. Geographical anomaly

  6. Cornwall actually has nice beaches. The rest of the uk less so with gross and muddy or gross and stoney.

  7. Both Devon and Cornwall have beautiful beaches, and are always packed with visitors and holiday makers . Covid kept people away so people living there had no income. Cornwall is so nice because the Cornish people care about Cornwall and keep it as clean and tidy as they can themselves .

  8. It seems nice. But have you been to some of the towns away from the beaches, in winter? There’s a lot of desperately poor, addicted people living in Cornwall. But people who only visit in summer tend to see ‘The London Set’ swanning around, visiting their second homes for the summer season.

    If you really want to know what a place is like, go there in February.

  9. Falmouth doesn’t struggle because it has two different universities to support it during the off-season

  10. Cornwall as a reign is massively struggling.

    There was a very good reason why the EU considered the county to be one of the most deprived regions in Western Europe. Sure there are bit where incomers buy million pound holiday homes but in all honesty that just exasperates the endemic deprivation and poverty.

  11. It actually looks good. Its got nice coastal walks, great beaches and lots of quaint little towns that are worth visiting all within a decent time of each other. Plus theres Newquay being the surfing capital of the UK and the UK has a fair whack of surfers.

    Then you take say Great Yarmouth, Blackpool etc, what’s near them? The water is shit, the beaches are crap and the towns are dire.

    That’s before you even consider the weather. UK was a sweltering 40 last week, Cornwall barely broke 30s.

    Don’t get me wrong there are some eye sores around and not every place is nice at all and don’t get me started on how tourism has actually fucked the economy around here but overall. Cornwall is actually nice.

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