We’ve been FWB for four months. Things are going well. She’s older, responsible but she wants to have raw sex now. She’s sterilized as well. She sure as hell doesn’t want kids. I’ve always worn a condom, or came on her; not inside her. Is it now time to start finishing inside her?

  1. That’s up to your comfort level! If you both know your STI status and it feels right, go for it!

  2. Do either of you have unprotected sex with other people? If yes, then your chances of acquiring or speading an STD are increased, of course. As another poster suggests, test regularly and frequently and communicate with your fwb about other partners that you may have. Stay safe!

  3. Is she exclusive with you? We suggest comprehensive STI testing and a mutual exclusiveness contract. Also, you should request medical confirmation that she is sterile. Otherwise you could become a reluctant father.

  4. How is she stirlized?
    Is it’s just like tubes tide but still has uterus/ovaries?

  5. I would say no. It may be just my personal practice, but the only times I’ve ever cum inside with no condom have been with my wife when we were trying to conceive a child.

    First, I always think pregnancy is a possibility – even with so-called sterilization procedures. The procedure/surgery may not have taken or, especially in a non-marital situation, maybe one partner is not being truthful about having undergone such a procedure.

    Second, and maybe this only applies to me because I have been so diligent in my seed-spilling, but I think there’s something inherently special about only ejaculating in a vagina when you’re attempting to have a baby (or at least open for that possibility). I don’t know, but beyond that tremendous feeling of reaching orgasm, the ejaculation is awesome because you’re literally counting the spurts imagining all those sperm cells invading your partner’s vagina all looking to hammer into that single, tiny ovum.

  6. Do you trust her? If yes consider the risks and are you willing to take them.

    Then next step you both get tested. If your both negative, enjoy

    It really comes down to, do you think she will be monogamous with you.

    Because technically she doesn’t have to, since you don’t have a commitment.

    I would not be comfortable, but my opinion is academic.

    I need a committed relationship to consider it ( you did mention monogamous so that’s a great sign)

    I have not gone bare in 10 plus years. Too much turmoil to consider it.

    I am terrified of herpes so that’s my reason.

  7. If you have mutual trust, then go at it. You will not regret it unless one of you is not being honest and another situation, such as an STD were to happen

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