I’m a 17f, but my tendency is to just pay for dates since I’m fairly well off. Some guys have told me it makes them uncomfortable when I insist on paying.

What do you think?

  1. if my date is paying because she’s richer than me that’s a bit disrespectful especially because you don’t know how much I make. so just assuming you’re doing better is a bit egotistical

  2. There’s no problem with offering to pay, but it’s definitely not your responsibility, however much money you make. Personally, I tend to split the bill, or do an “I cover this one, you can do the next” system. If we’re in a relationship, it’s different of course, but if it’s just someone you’re casually seeing that’s what I would do personally.

  3. If she insists then I won’t argue. There’s always the midway point like going Dutch. Most of the time I end up paying and it’s not because I have money, moreso I feel it’s the gentleman thing to do.

  4. Insisting on paying because you consider yourself more well off than your date at 17 seems a bit …much. Just split it.

  5. You are not responsible for his financial situation, if he’s asking you out, he must afford it. I’d say do not pay anything in the dating phase and then decide some rules once you are in relationship to split some costs once he proves that he’s capable and serious about you.

  6. No need to wealth shame them, they don’t need to know how much money you have.

    The best thing you can do is offer to split the bill (I always politely decline this on the first date as I like to be a little old fashioned) but if you want to split the bill on the following dates that’s great, it shows you want to be in my company as much as I do yours .

    So yeah no need to ever mention that you are wealthy just offer to pay your way in dates and guys will appreciate that.

  7. In my mind splitting or alternating is always the fairest thing to do.

  8. I think when you’re in your teens, you should each just pay for yourselves, because most people are either working min wage jobs or funded by their parents. It’s too much to pay for both people at that age. Just find some cheaper things to do and only splurge once in awhile.

  9. Whomever extends the offer or initiates the date should be *prepared* to pay for it.

    Generally speaking, it is customary that men pursue women for dates, so they usually pay.

    You should assume a guy wouldn’t be taking you to a place he could not afford.

    If that does occur that should probably be looked at as being a “red flag”.

    Once a relationship is established couples often take turns paying or splitting the bill.

    Best wishes!

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