My divorce was finalized a year ago. It was totally amicable (we grew apart, and wanted different things from life). I feel like I’m ready to date again… BUT I’m worried that just by being classified as “divorced” that people will write me off (i. e “oh he’s divorced? There’s something wrong with him) OR my date will feel like a rebound.

I think I’m more concerned about the other. My intention is not to have a rebound. I’m genuinely ready to forge a relationship with someone. But -and maybe I’m being presumptuous – I just worry that no matter who I go out with, they will be the ” first” person after my divorce and therefore they will feel like a rebound.

Maybe I’m just being silly but I don’t want to make anyone feel like I’m dating them just to get over my ex or that there’s something inherently wrong with me because a marriage didn’t work out.

How do I organically tell my date that I’m divorced? How do I do it from an area where I don’t make the whole conversation about me?

1 comment
  1. Past relationships is a conversation topic that comes up 100 out of 100 times. Sometimes it comes up naturally on the first date, sometimes one person outright asks the other “what was your last serious relationship like”. Just get to know the person until you arrive at that inevitable point and just mentioned that you were married once before. The only indication that you are still hung up on an ex and looking for a rebound is if all you do is talk about the ex.

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