What would you try and teach your 5 Yr old nephew/niece/kid etc.

  1. Emotional intelligence and learning how to make one’s own decisions

  2. To exploit their small size fit anywhere they can to scare the shit out of people like a true chad jr.

  3. the best thing I can teach a 5 y.o. kid is to not eat the marshmallow while I’m out of the room and wait for me to come back.

  4. Empathy is a good one.

    Encouraging their curiosity/desire to explore and understand things.

    Might be a little early but — common courtesy (please/thank you/excuse me/….) and respect for others around them — I see so many middle school (or even younger) kids who have no respect for those around them of any age and/or self-awareness how what they are doing is perceived by others.

  5. I will teach humility and to be acceptive when things are not going your way,the most important lesson I will try to train the kid is to be attentive and aware to anything he/she does.

  6. That humility, honesty, empathy and compassion are the greatest forms of social and familial currency.

  7. You teach them values and how to be responsible and how to make the right choices, but you also teach them how to have fun and how to be a kid.

  8. consent (not in a sexual way ofc) making them know no one has the right to hit/hug/kiss/ take their toys away if they’re not okay with if and they don’t have the right to do it to other children if the other children aren’t okay with it

  9. When kids ask why are we brought into this world, I say ‘make the world a beautiful place’. Purpose of life. And you need to stay kind to do this job.

  10. How to identify what you can control, and even more importantly, what you can’t.

  11. it’s two things, but they’re linked. self-worth, and critical thinking.

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