What are some things social anxiety stops you from doing?

  1. Going to conventions and concerts, staying longer at events like the Geneva International Motor Show or medieval fairs, feeling at ease when shopping in person, being in social situations or at work without constantly being on guard and feeling tense (which is both physically and mentally exhausting, so I also have zero interest in going out after those and just want to retreat in my flat to be alone, let my guard down and recharge).

  2. Drive thru’s…no joke they freak me out lol. But today’s modern age helps you be as socially anxious as you want 😁

  3. Being first to initiate conversation with people. I have always been incredibly shy. I also hate making phone calls. I get so tense whenever I have to do it.

  4. Anything and everything. I get social anxiety about things I enjoy and things I don’t enjoy.

  5. Phone calls, social events, work events, sitting in a restaurant to order, leaving home for more than work and groceries, drive thru’s, sharing opinions/ideas

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