Why do you need to own so many shoes?

  1. No idea. I have one pair for work, one for casual wear, and winter boots. Quite the extensive collection.

  2. What do you consider “so many shoes” and why are you assuming that we all do?

  3. I don’t “need” to. I enjoy owning multiple pairs of shoes for the same reason why I don’t just have one or two outfits in my closet – it’s fun to change it up. Also, different shoes go with different clothes. If you’re going to a wedding, you’ll probably want to wear different shoes than you’d wear to the office or to run errands since the clothes are different levels of formality.

  4. I own a pair of sneakers, a pair of flip flops, and a pair steel toed boots. I didn’t know that was a lot lol

  5. Shoes are a thing that *can* be used to accessorized, but only if you choose to. In menswear terms they’re like ties, pocket squares, or watches: You can choose to have specific ones for specific outfits, or just a couple of staples that go with mostly everything.

  6. What is considered “so many”? I only own seven pairs (two sandals, two dress shoes, three sneakers)

  7. Flats (normal day-to-day), heels (rare dressy occasion), running shoes (running), flip flops (pool), boots (winter) = 5

  8. Centuries-long expectations on (wealthier and middle class) women to look pretty at all times. That means owning many varieties of clothing, footwear, and jewelry.

  9. Wearing one pair of shoes all the time makes them last shorter, I have 8 pair of sneakers now and they all last longer because I don’t wear the same pair all the time.

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