We’re both in our 20s, me being female and him being a couple years older male. I am still in college and worked with him at an internship. He left the company recently for a better opportunity, and moved far away. He told me to keep in touch and let him know if I ever need anything and gave me his personal phone number.

I’m mostly just confused where I stand with him, whether he sees me as just another coworker, in a more mentor/mentee relationship, or as friends since there are arguments for all.

just coworkers: I only knew him a couple months since it was just an internship.

mentor/mentee: He brought up how he likes being able to be a mentor for someone since he’s young and is used to everyone else being older/more experienced, he has helped me a lot and given me advice, told me to reach out if I need advice.

friends: we hung out after work a few times in a group of coworkers, I’ve ridden in his car just us two, he told me personal things he hadn’t told anyone else in the office and wanted to be a secret, he initiated a hug when we said goodbye for the last time.

With this in mind, how long should I wait before reaching out? How often is it ok to reach out to him? We really have a lot in common so it’s pretty easy to come up with an excuse to talk, I just don’t want to keep randomly texting him and annoy him, but I enjoy talking with him so much that I would be happy to talk to him all day.

  1. Do he reply back in texts? Is the the chatter about personal stuff or friendly stuff or work stuff now?. Im partly in the same boat as well. Sometimes it feels with certain people you need to talk about this kind of this.. sounds stupid but to me its something ill end up doing so im clear.

  2. One way I keep in touch with distant friends is I occasionally send them and article or meme or something.

    The thing is, I send them something when I legit think they (specifically) would like it.

    Usually it’ll be like “This made me think of you <gif of elephant sucking its own nipples>”

    Then they say “haha” and I say “how’ve you been?” and we catch up a little.

  3. Just wish him for his birthday next year and start a conv.
    By then. Enough time would have passed to check if he really meant the keep in touch part

    Where i come from it’s quite common co-workers exchanging. Numbers while they leave 99% of those emotions loose its value within few weeks to few months tops the conversations become boring akward minimal in that order and then soon youd just be 2 strangers

    Besides you ve only known him couple months

  4. Why not just tell him how you feel..

    As a man, I would certainly appreciate the honesty. But you should be prepared for any type of result.

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