Me and my girlfriend have been together a couple of months – known each other since late last year.

We at least speak on the phone everyday. Most days things are fine. She chuckles, giggles and seems content with my presence, but she’s pretty low energy and can have periods where she doesn’t really add much and we have comfortable (?) silences. It makes me worry something is wrong or that she feels bored. She is an introverted person but still.

Yet anytime we go a day without hearing each other’s voice, she is more affectionate. It’s nice to hear her sound so happy and to say “I missed you a lot yesterday” after just one day of not speaking (we still text on those days). The tone of the interaction just feels different. She seems more bubbly, flirts a bit more, she seems happy.

Then once we speak again the next day she calms down again, seems much more reserved and low energy. She’s still affectionate, but much less so, conversation is stilted, she doesn’t offer particularly much to the conversation. It isn’t a struggle, but it is a different feel.

Anything to worry about or am I overthinking?

**TL;DR: girlfriend is usually very affectionate when we’re apart for a day. Otherwise she’s quite low energy when we talk for days on end. Any concern**

1 comment
  1. I can relate to her. I’m also an introvert.

    When I dated my ex, I’d have moments of low energy where I just wanted to recharge on my own. Then I’d see my ex, expend all my charged energy, and become low energy again.

    You probably don’t have anything to worry about, but you can always have a conversation with her about your thoughts. She might appreciate it.

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