I’m going to be in 8th grade in a few weeks. In class I am quiet, even during breaks. I’m a 13 year old boy and I don’t know how to befriend another 13 year old boy. When I was in Elementary school I had a few female friends and have always found the majority of the other boys weird. As time flew, talking to the girls I had been friends with became harder to the point that I can’t even look at them. My dad thinks I’m too effeminate. I haven’t played sports and I seriously don’t play video games, my only hobby is watching art-house movies and reading books, and I can’t seem to pick up a new Interest because I am so indulged in them. I used to be very fat and now I’m thin. So far I have been finding Middle School very lonely and I just need a friend, one of the same gender as I am, but don’t know how to.

  1. try to find one with similar interests as you. if you see someone reading, especially if they’re sitting alone, just go sit by them and ask about what book they’re reading to start a conversation!

    also, middle school is hard for everyone so you’re not alone. 🙂

  2. Don’t bother too much. I kind of re learnt making friends in my new school. If you don’t know someone at all, approach them in a friendly way and ask their name, introduce yourself.. if you know them a bit you can talk about school and class etc. Other than that try finding common interests. A good thing is if you make some friends they can introduce you to more people. Keep reading books, it’s a very good hobby I left as I grew up.

  3. Try asking somebody a question every day. It could be different people or the same person. Avoid questions about their religion, ethnicity, politics, or parents – some people get touchy about it. It could be something like “What’s your favorite book?”, “What’s your favorite class?”, “What did you do over the weekend?” Asking questions shows that you’re interested in them and that THEY can talk to you without fear of being rejected.

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