I am female and my boss is male.

Yesterday was my first meeting with my boss. After the meeting, I realized that I put on too much perfume. He was not with a happy face, and I think it might be due to my overdose of perfume. Should I apologize with a text message?

I cannot show it to him in a practical way, because he lives abroad, so I think I will see him in six months or more.

Do you think I should send it to him or is it better to not talk about it by now?

Just for contextualization, he was late and sweety, so it was a two-way street. But he is the boss, not me. Haha

I am not a native speaker, so I apologize if I have made written mistakes.

Thank you in advance.

  1. I don’t think an apology is necessary. Everyone makes simple mistakes sometimes. As a general rule going forward though, I recommend not wearing perfume to work at all. It’s respectful to all coworkers.

  2. Is he Japanese? In Japanese culture strong fragrances can be considered offensive. If he is and you think he is really bothered by it then I would send him a text. Otherwise, I think the case can be made to simply let this slide unspoken and wear less perfume next time.

  3. I think that would just make things awkward. Best to let it go, forget about it, and only use 6-7 sprays next time instead of 10 😉

  4. If no one called you out on it, then no.

    There is no need to apologies, just don’t do it next time or just stick to zoom

  5. No. You did nothing wrong. Even if you used too much perfume, you still smelled like perfume, which is nice. And if he gets angry because of perfume, then he’s not a good men, thus not worthy of apologizing.

  6. If its perfume actual then you only need one spray. Spray on wrist, rub and then rub on neck and and behind ears. It should last you all day and people will only smell it if they get close enough.

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