Men of Reddit, what do you love most about women?

  1. Well my mother is a woman. Gave birth to me and stuff like that. Makes the rest of them more tolerable.

  2. The ability to talk and have fun with them, also they need to like to snuggle and let me eat their pussy alot lol

  3. The differing perspectives. I always appreciate someone else’s perspective.

  4. In general, they typically want to nurture you and help make you a better person. When you can recognize that and not see it as her trying to change you, it’s an amazing feeling.

  5. They look prettier to me, obviously.

    But I actually have an easier time maintaining a friendship with women, because it doesn’t so often feel like competition. With a lot of men, it feels like every topic gets dragged into referencing their great deeds and knowledge and it gets exhausting.

  6. That they don’t play the penis game in middle school. (the penis game is whoever shouts penis the loudest wins).

  7. There’s literally nothing about women I like. I love a few women, but nothing about their “woman-ness” and I don’t know a single thing I like about people that isn’t an individual trait, which isn’t determined by anything but their personality.

  8. Honestly I like how nurturing they are. When I talk to any of my girl friends I can be open with them and they don’t give me crap for it.

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