Do you have or want to have kids? Why or why not? If you have changed your mind either way, what caused it?

  1. Personally I don’t, I think its more the thought of pregnancy and birth more than anything but the need for a child hasn’t outweighed the fear of that at any point in my life so far. I also haven’t found anyone I can completely depend on as a partner to do it with. A big factor for me as i love my job and would want to continue working so I would need a partner that shares tasks, chores and care 50/50

  2. I (22f) want kids so badly it makes me ache. I’ve always wanted them, can’t think of anything I’d want more in life, and I’d be devastated if I reached the end of it and never had them. Still praying for my period to come each month atm though. I want kids but I don’t want them NOW.

  3. Nah.

    Kids involve completely changing the way that you live your life. You can no longer leave the house on a whim, or spend time concentrating on something (reading a book, having a conversation with someone).

    I love kids, but they are a BIG commitment if you want your own. I’m happy to play with other people’s kids, babysit, support mothers etc.

    I do wonder about when I am old and don’t have adult kids, but hey, you can end up with kids living in other countries, or dying before you, or being in prison, so I just make sure that I have young friends!!

  4. I never wanted to have kids, but I met my husband and he had kids, so I became a stepmom. I knew I had to be all in if we got married, so I read books about step-parenting and talked to friends that had stepkids before making that decision.

    I’m definitely set on not having kids “of my own”, but I will say that I’m thankful for my stepchildren, they’re amazing girls and I’m glad to be part of their life.

  5. I’ve wanted to have kids since I was 8. I have two. They are so weird and awesome.

  6. I always knew I didn’t want kids. Some of my reasons include:

    • Simply not getting the appeal of starting a family, being interested in pregnancy nor being responsible for raising a child.

    • Bad genes: cancer runs in both sides of my family, as do immune deficiency, major depressive disorder and anxiety – I’ve struggled with mental health issues since I was a kid, I feel like I would pretty much doom my child with a worse than average life because of inherited aspects, unhealthy predispositions and issues I’ve had since I was a kid like trauma and chronic depression that are out of our control. It may sound weird but I would feel guilty bringing a human to life knowing how poor the quality of their life may be because of these things.

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