I’m a 18m tryna get with a 18f but I have never talked to her but every time I see her I want to initiate something so what steps do y’all think I should take should just ask her out off rip or try talking to a couple times first and if your wondering my looks I’m a 6,4 black male and average looking in face

  1. First, stop telling yourself you’re a nobody. Ladies like some confidence! If you act like no one wants you then she’s not going to want you. Start talking to her, don’t be creepy, be nice and sweet and then when you feel like she likes you that’s when you ask her out!

  2. Walk up to her in a casual way, smile and say, “Hello. I have absolutely no game. I just wanted to meet you. You seem like someone I should know and I would love to buy you a cup of coffee and just get to know you. No pressure. I’m ______. And you are. . . ”

    Make sure you look nice (not too dressy, but nice) and you smell good. Get you some Issey Miyake Pour Homme cologne if you can.

    That smell alone will make women follow you up the street.

    Good luck! Rooting for you!

  3. Okay, first thing: that’s one big run-on sentence. Next time, use punctuation.

    Second thing: your head’s in exactly the right place. Lot of guys wouldn’t even think about going for a popular girl. Don’t let anybody tell you she’s out of your league. You decide who’s out of your league.

    Third: be cool and friendly, but not so cool that you can’t laugh at yourself and not so friendly that you’re smiling too much. Look her right in the eye when you talk to her, and talk to her like she’s the only person in the room when you do. And make her laugh if you can (but don’t try too hard if you can’t).

    Good luck.

  4. Screaming give me your purse is a great way to meet people….just go talk to her maybe offer her some beef jerky?

  5. You just do it… that’s all there is. The outcome might be a good one or not, but at least you tried. No one ever looks back and regrets taking chances.

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