Empathy is a crucial social skill that seems to be constantly overlooked. Empathy is really what helps you connect with people and be able to see where they’re coming from. When people are able to see that you can be empathetic they feel like they can be more vulnerable and closer to you.

Imagine you are dealing with depression and you talk to two people, one says “whatever get over yourself, it’s not that big of a deal” and the other says “I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, I’m here if you need to talk or vent”.

Which one did you have a better experience with? Most definitely the second one, if this world was more empathetic we would have less violence, less war and overall people would be caring and it would be a peaceful place. Empathy is golden

  1. Yes, empathy is a pro-social emotion. Other pro-social emotions include love, remorse, and shame. Sociopaths and narcs lack these prosocial emotions

  2. It s not good very much empathy. Because people can using you then disapointing.

  3. I’m not a very empathetic person. I don’t read peoples feelings or whatever. I mean, I understand facial expressions, but other than that nothing.

  4. I totally agree. Empathy needs to be taught more. After all we are all humans.

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