Particularly those who identify as Fearful avoidant? I just feel discouraged sometimes that I’ll always be this damaged—that’s why.

  1. Hobbies. Diving into self exploration, learning new things about myself; new likes, dislikes, interests.

    Shadow work; reading Carl Jubg and trying to put into practice his philosophies.


  2. What a laugh! I Just made this account because I decided I needed to experiment socially since I’ve been keeping the world at arm’s length my whole life. So, nothing real yet, but I’m taking some half assed first steps.

  3. Avoid people who aren’t good friends or companions and find good people to be close to. Don’t close yourself off from relationships, just reserve the right to leave if need be.

  4. When I want to run away I don’t let myself. I stay in touch, reply to messages and I try to see what triggered me. I may need to ground myself a lot while it’s happening.

    I also don’t date avoidant men because it sends my anxiety sky high, plus I know I can’t do anything about their attachment style.

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