Not sure if this is the correct forum for this .. question/discussion. But since talking with my partner recently about this subject it’s been on my mind and I’m curious.
For context my partner does door to door sales for maintenance type of work, he also wears a ring that I gifted him (not engagement more of a promise) anyway we were discussing that women have maybe hit on him more so since he began wearing the ring. Im wondering if this is just coincidence or if women are truly attracted to men that are already “married” or taken?

Anyone have any insight or thoughts?

I have a hard time understanding why a women would see that and than continue to try to pursue.

Thanks everyone 💕

  1. Well… I found out that women hit on me way more when i’m in a relationship. What could be the reason is that people in relationship that works especially long term ones can be seen by single people as “boyfriend/girlfriend matetial” . For example, some people struggle finding men or women that wants a long term functional relationship and i think they see these people as potential candidates. It’s like a job interview. Having experience is good on your resume i guess even if you do have a job and you aren’t searching for one. Doesn’t mean employers won’t try to snatch you in their company

  2. There’s a few thing that could explain this behavior.
    Married men are like the forbidden fruit, some women want what they cannot have, like a challenge, they like the danger behind those situation, that’s also a way to have validation, like “Am I attractive enough to make a married man want to cheat with me”.
    Also a women can have regular sex with a married man without attachment, feeling etc, no commitment, if one day she want to dump him, she can do it without any backfire as it would be too risky for the guy.

    That’s how I see it at least.

  3. I have a hard time understanding why any woman would willingly want to get with a married man..
    if he will cheat on his wife. He will cheat on probably every woman he meets..
    I guess it makes them feel some kind of validation thinking that they can “steal” someone’s man..
    if it’s that easy.. you’re not “stealing” anything.

  4. I have a cousin who used to go after married men, it was a thrill of hers and she would brag when she got a married man to cheat with her. I’ve also known a few men who like to screw taken women,
    It makes them feel like the “alpha”.

    There are people who get a thrill from it, like they’ve won some kind of conquest. My cousin said that it was an amazing feeling to know that a man would risk his marriage for her.

  5. There are a lot of studies backing up the view that married/taken men are viewed as being more attractive.

    Some excerpts from studies online:


    >When many single women see a moderately attractive male, they are more interested in him if they believe he is already in a relationship. In fact, one study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found 90 percent of single women were interested in a man who they believed was taken, while a mere 59 percent wanted him when told he was single.


    >Men spend similar amounts of time looking at partners irrespective of partner attractiveness but women spend more time looking at partners that are highly attractive.
    >*(This was as men and women were presented with pictures of couples of varying attractiveness)*


    >A variety of non-human females do not select male partners independently. Instead they favor males having previous associations with other females, a phenomenon known as mate copying. This paper investigates whether humans also exhibit mate copying and whether consistent positive information about a man’s mate value, and a woman’s age and self-perceived mate value (SPMV), influence her tendency to copy the mate choices of others. Female university students (N = 123) rated the desirability of photographed men pictured alone or with one, two, or five women represented by silhouettes. In accordance with the visual arrays, men were described as currently in a romantic relationship; having previously been in one, two, or five relationships; or not having had a romantic relationship in the past 4 years. Women generally rated men pictured with one or two previous partners as more desirable than those with none. Men depicted with five previous partners, however, were found to be less desirable. Younger, presumably less experienced women had a greater tendency to mate copy compared with older women, but high SPMV did not predict greater levels of mate copying. The findings reaffirmed and expanded those suggesting that women do not make mate choices independently.

    So it’s probably not a coincidence if your partner is noticing it.

  6. Some women do this because a ring signifies he’s marriage material. It’s horrible though….

  7. Every married guy I know take about how they get more attention from women since they started wearing a wedding ring. Some men wear a ring even though they’re single just to increase their chances

  8. Speaking from personal experience, I found significantly more women hit on me when I was wearing my wedding ring compared to not wearing it.

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